How Bad Are Your Feet Tophi
These images are from a summary of a new case study about tophi in the left foot.
This ties in with a recent review of unusual tophi presentation (search for occupational gout)
The working title of my summary is How Bad Can Feet Tophi Get?
I think you'll understand the title better once you see the images, but first the abstract.
Feet Tophi Case Report: Abstract
Title:Multiarticular chronic tophaceous gout with severe and multiple ulcerations: a case report.
Authors:Falidas E, Rallis E, Bournia VK, Mathioulakis S, Pavlakis E, Villias C.
Published:J Med Case Rep. 2011 Aug 19;5:397.
In my summary, I will use laymans terms to explain the medical terms and issues. Multiarticular means affecting many joints.
Click to read the Feet Tophi gout case study...