@dorian-kramer asked an interesting uric acid question recently:
curious about ?regular? uric acid levels do you have any info on what the average person without gout walks around with on a daily basis
I thought it deserved a topic of its own, and I hope you can help provide some answers.
I found that most of the information I have relates to gout sufferers. Therefore all the averages seemed high when I first looked. Eventually, I found “Serum and urinary uric acid in relation to age and sex” from Rehman and Naqvi. They put the average for “apparently healthy” people at just under 4mg/dL with various ranges:

This raises other questions for me.
Do healthy people normally get tested for uric acid? If so, what are their results?
Please can you ask people that you know who don’t have gout, but have had a blood test. I don’t want personal details, but it would be nice to know
- Date
- Reason for Blood Test
- Country
- Gender
- Age range (e.g 20s, 30s, 40s etc)
- Uric acid number (including scale: mg/dL, mmol/L, or μmol/L) or “Uric Acid Not Tested”
Please ask family and friends of all ages.